Suspensions of densely packed colloidal particles are a
simple model system which exhibits a glass transition, as the
concentration of the particles is increased. We use confocal
microscopy to look at the particles and determine how their
motion changes as the glass transition occurs. We study these
materials in situations including flow through tubes and being
poked with tiny magnetic beads. These experiments give us
insights into the glass transition in a fashion impossible
for regular glasses.
We also study the properties of other complex materials, including foams and sand. See below for information about our various projects. |
![]() Clogging of soft particles We study the clogging of soft particles such as hydrogels and oil droplets, finding the probability that they clog when they drain out a funnel. |
![]() Random close packing How do rods pack randomly in a container? What about mixtures of different sized spheres? We've done experiments and simulations to answer these sorts of questions. |
![]() Confinement and the glass transition The glass transition is modified in confined spaces, but it's unclear why. We study colloidal particles confined between two parallel walls or in droplets or other small spaces; we find their motion slows down in these small systems. |
![]() Free energy landscapes We've studied three simple model systems where we can directly compute and visualize free energy landscapes. |
![]() Emulsion glasses We visualize how droplets deform in a concentrated emulsion. In some circumstances emulsions can act like a glass, and studying the deformed droplet shapes should help us understand the emulsion glass transition. |
![]() Poking colloids with magnets We put small magnetic beads into colloidal glasses and pull on them with really strong neodymium magnets. How does this disturb the particles? |
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Microrheology of interfaces Is the interface between oil and water a truly two dimensional object, or are three dimensional effects important for microscopic motion along the interface? What about soap films? |
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Aging of colloidal glasses: Glasses are nonequilibrium systems, and as such, their properties are constantly evolving. We look for the microscopic details of this evolution. |
![]() | Microscopic behavior of flowing colloids: We studied the behavior of colloids as they flow through tiny tubes. As they flow faster, the apparent viscosity decreases. What is the microscopic behavior responsible for this? |
![]() | Structure of colloidal gels: We studied the structure and dynamics of colloidal gels. How does the gel change when we vary the stickiness of the particles? |
![]() | Draining water from foam: As water flows between bubbles in a foam, does it flow like regular flow through a pipe? We found that it depends on the type of soap used to make the foam. Work done in collaboration with Stephan Koehler. |
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Nor anybody else's views, for that matter, just us. Contact Eric
Weeks at erweeks(at)