This page provides information on the software used to generate
some of the pictures displayed on my web pages.
If you were searching on phrases like "cellular automata", "diffusion
limited aggregation", "tilings", "source code", or other phrases, the
software below may be of interest to you, or perhaps the
pictures I have made.
Source Code and Information
Picture software
Utility software
- IDL routines for particle tracking --
software developed mainly by John Crocker and David Grier,
although I also wrote some of the routines.
psdraw ("dps.c"):
A simple utility program
that allows you to make color or B/W PostScript drawings from data.
a2ppm ("a2ppm.c"):
A utility program
that allows you to make black & white PPM output (a standard picture
format that does not use compression and thus was easy for me to write
this program).
a2ps ("a2ps.c"):
This is not "a2ps", a popular program available over Internet. This is
a utility program that allows you to make black & white PostScript
output from a fairly simple input format; useful for things like
cellular automata. This program is useful if you want to make pictures
but don't want to fuss with windows programming, for example.
autocor ("autocor.c")
Computes the autocorrelation function for a time series.
minfo ("minfo5.c")
This program implements the mutual information algorithm proposed by
Fraser & Swinney for finding the ideal delay coordinate to use when
plotting a strange attractor.
minmax ("minmax.c")
Program which finds local minima and maxima in 1-D data.
palette ("palette2.c"):
This program prints a color chart of RGB values, useful for PPM values
and PostScript color values.
poincare ("poin.c"):
Lets you take Poincaré sections from time series data.
rotate ("rotate.c")
Rotates data in 3D; can be used with psdraw.
If you have questions send me email; email address below.
Current address:
Eric R. Weeks
Department of Physics
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322-2430