Eric Weeks
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weeks(at) |
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At left is a picture of me and my wife Chrissy, taken in November 2005.
We were visiting Edinburgh, behind us to the right is part
of Edinburgh Castle.
We got married in
September 2004, click here for pictures. In July 2007 our daughter Marion was born (pic below).
Click here for a PDF copy of my curriculum vitae. I am a full professor at Emory University. I have been at Emory since January 2001.
In December '00 I finished a post-doc at Harvard University, working with Prof. David Weitz. I did experimental work with colloids. I worked for a year and a half before that at the University of Pennsylvania as a post-doc, with both Dave Weitz and Prof. Arjun Yodh, but when Dave moved to Harvard, I went with him. I graduated with a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Texas at Austin, working in the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics with Prof. Harry Swinney. My thesis work was on anomalous diffusion and atmospheric blocking experiments. I got my undergraduate degree in engineering physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ("Engineering" physics just meant I had to take drafting and Fortran.) As an undergrad, I worked three summers at Argonne National Laboratory (two of them at the ATLAS facility) , and one summer at the University of Minnesota.
I'm originally from Downers Grove, Illinois, which is one of the many suburbs of Chicago. I attended Downers Grove South High School.
There is an asteroid named after me. I'm told I'm big (11 km across), slightly eccentric, and fairly bright (18% reflectivity). Part of the Hygiea family of asteroids. Asteroid (5057) Weeks was first observed in 1937.
I designed a board game called "Science Professor" that you can purchase.
I agree with Will (the guy on the left) although Abe (the other guy) has a good point. From Matt Groening's Life in Hell, August 1997.
And sometimes my mood is like this. (Funky Winkerbean, 5-8-99.)
See one of my favorite pictures that I've made
Some of my random thoughts on web page design.