This OPTESIM toobox enables automated numerical simulation of powder ESEEM for arbitrary number (N) and type (I, gN) of coupled nuclei, and arbitrary mutual orientations of the hyperfine tensor principal axis systems for N>1.
The toolbox is based in the Matlab environment, and includes the following features:
- a fast algorithm for the computation of spin Hamiltonian into ESEEM,
- variety of optimization methods that can be hybridized to achieve an efficient coarse-to-fine grained search of the parameter space and convergence to a global minimum,
- statistical analysis of the simulation parameters, which allows the identification of simultaneous confidence regions at specific confident levels.
The toolbox includes a geometry preserving spherical averaging algorithm as default for N>1, and global optimization over multiple experimental conditions, such as the dephasing time (τ) for three-pulse ESEEM, and external magnetic field values.
In addition, a Java-RMI based distributed computational framework is included in OPTESIM. This framework allows users to build a distributed system of ESEEM simulation on their own PC computer hardware resources.
Example of a Screenshot
Example of an Automatically Generated Report
ESEEM Simulation Theory
Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) is a technique of pulsed-electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The analysis of ESEEM data to extract information about the nuclear and electronic structure of a disordered (powder) paramagnetic system requires accurate and efficient numerical simulations. Please refer to the following topics:
- Spin Hamiltonian
- ESEEM Calculation
- Powder average with geometry-preserving treatments
- Optimization and statistical analysis of experimental parameters
Download & Install
The installation notes can be found at here.
To install the distributed computation framework for OPTESIM.
To adapt OPTESIM to your data acquisition format.
The OPTESIM toolbox consists of 26 Matlab functions and 8 Java classes that can be divided into the following four categories: experimental data filtering, numerical simulation, simulation parameter optimization, and distributed computation framework. These categories are incorporated into four stand-alone modules that are integrated in OPTESIM, as described in the user's guide. The modules may be individually substituted by the routines of users', if desired.
MATLAB function references
Javadoc for the distributed computation framework
Running simulation on a local PC
Managing Node servers
Running simulation on a distributed computation framework
Using diferent optimization algorithms
Literature References
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