The Biophotonics laboratory has a 660 square foot imaging and microscopy area, a 330 square foot area for biochemistry, molecular biology, tissues culture and sample preparations.  An additional area equipped with computers and desk space.  In all there are 5 PCs’ which are fully networked and connected to a variety of colour and monotone printers.  Each has software for data analysis(Igor Pro), image analysis(Noesys/TD3, RHK), graphics and 2D CAD, Visual C++ and Delphi programming, optical design(Code V), instrumentation interfacing(LabVIEW) and several dedicated programs for running microscopes and other hardware.
Microscopy Lab
Wet Lab / Prep Space
  The wet space is fully supplied with necessary equipment for sample preparation, protein labelling, cell preparation for microscopy etc.  Major equipment includes pipettes, hot plates, pH meter, centrifuges, ultra pure water, balances, oven, glassware, water baths, refrigerator, freezer, fume hood, etc.
    A full cell culture facility is operated in the facility.  This space includes incubators, a laminar flow bio safety hood, liquid nitrogen tank for long term storage of cells, microscope for observation (Zeiss Axiovert) and other supporting equipment.