"library" for Science Education Research Journal Club
See our main page for more information.
This page has relevant papers mentioned at our meetings but which
we do not plan to read.
- The
importance of stupidity in scientific research, MA
Schwartz, J Cell Sci 2008
- The
importance of indifference in scientific research, MA
Schwartz, J Cell Sci 2015
- Here's
how to make your teaching more inclusive -- Viji Sathy &
Kelly Hogan, July 22, 2019, Chronicle of
Higher Education.
- "Experimenter
gender and replicability in science", CD Chapman et al., Sci.
Adv. 4, e1701427 (2018).
- Interesting
commentary: too many buzzwords about teaching, not enough theory of learning; having
a theory of learning would help us better understand pedagogy.
- Why so few
women in STEM? -- research compliation published by AAUW
- Describing
and Measuring
STEM Teaching Practices, a comprehensive report and
literature summary (2013)
- Stereotypes and the fragility
of academic competence, motivation, and self-concept"
J Aronson & CM Steele, in Handbook of Competence and
Motivation, eds. AJ Elliot & CS Dweck (The Guilford Press,
New York, 2005).
- Reading for Aronson's talk, November 3, 2009, 11 am in the
Jones Room of the Woodruff Library.
- "Women
in the Sciences"
Meg Urry
APS Forum on Physics & Society (Summer 2009).
- Excellent discussion on gender issues and inadvertent bias
in science.
- "Farewell, Lecture?"
Eric Mazur
Science 323, 50 (2009).
- Excellent brief introduction to clickers.
- "Responding to possible
TC Long, M Errami, AC George, Z Sun, & HR Garner
Science 323, 1293 (2009).
- Looks at plagairism by scientists.
- "Biology concept inventories:
Overview, status, and next steps"
C D'avanzo, BioScience 58, 1079-1085 (2008).
- Also a good introduction to concept inventories in general.
- See also the paper we read on December 18, 2008 for a
genetics concept inventory.
- "Creative and occupational
accomplishments among intellectually precocious youths: An age
13 to age 33 longitudinal study"
J Wai, D Lubinski, & CP Benbow, J. Ed. Psych. 97, 484-492 (2005).
- accomplishments of the best of the best on the SAT.
- "Instructional interventions affecting
critical thinking skills and dispositions: A stage 1
PC Abrami, RM Bernanrd, E Borokhovski, A Wade, MA Surkes, R
Tamim, & D Zhang, Rev. Ed. Research 78, 1102-1134 (2008).
- "...summarizes the available empirical evidence on the
impact of instruction on the development and enhancement of
critical thinking skills and dispositions." Instruction in
critical thinking works, and this describes how to best teach it.
KP says it's heavy on methodology, not as directly useful for
most of our teaching needs.
- Perceptions
about what it takes to succeed in STEM fields may keep women
out" -- mentions several articles on this topic
- A
Private Universe -- classic video illustrating how student
misconceptions make learning harder, along with a 20-years-later
interview of the key student in the original movie.