Data for Desmond & Weeks, PRL 2015

Data from experiments studying flow of dense emulsions.

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Data from experiments studying dense oil-in-water emulsions, in a quasi-2D geometry, flowing around a corner

These data sets were studied in:

We had a table in the preprint version (arXiv:1306.0269v1) that got cut to save space. Here it is, it contains the details about the experiments. The columns are: number of experiments done with each set of parameters, rho=size ratio R_b/R_s, R_s and R_b are the average 2D radii of the big and small droplet species, n_r = N_b/N_s is the number ratio of the two species, w_x and w_y are the widths of the sample chamber, and gamma-dot global is the global strain rate in inverse hours. The units for R_s, R_b, w_x, and w_y are all mm. The last row lists the uncertainty of the data in each column.

corrected table:
number of exptsrho n_rR_sR_b w_xw_ygamma-dot global date
3 & 21.30.9590 um118 um & 2.7 111012
7 & 11.30.6785 um110 um & 1.3 111121
uncertainty0.020.05 5%5% 0.10.110%--

original table with wrong dates:
number of exptsrho n_rR_sR_b w_xw_ygamma-dot global date
71.30.950.0900.118 111121
11.30.950.0900.118 111121
31.30.670.0850.110 111012
21.30.670.0850.110 111012
uncertainty0.020.05 5%5% 0.10.110%--

Data files in the table below are text files, with data on the droplets in the format [x,y,diameter,flag,area,voronoi area,time,id]. x, y, and diameter are in units of microns. Flag = 1 for the interior droplets for which I believe area & voronoi area are well defined, 0 for droplets at the edges, but note that this is a bit crude. area and voronoi area are in units of microns^2, and correspond to the area of the droplet and the area of the voronoi cell containing the droplet. time is an integer, to convert to seconds use the conversion factor listed in the table ('time step'). ID is a unique integer for each distinct droplet, so that you can tell which droplet is which at different times. Data files range from 10-75 MB in size.

date-file#phi Fig. 3? time step (s) gamma-dot global duration total strain
111012-10.890 0.518 s 5.5 hr^-120:49 min:sec1.91
111012-30.902 0.702 s 2.7 hr^-115:24 min:sec0.69
111012-40.928 yes0.543 s 5.5 hr^-115:54 min:sec1.46
111012-50.933 0.927 s 2.7 hr^-123:42 min:sec1.07
111012-70.955 0.650 s 5.5 hr^-119:47 min:sec1.81
111121-10.893 triangles0.271 s 2.4 hr^-122:35 min:sec0.90
111121-20.908 yes0.246 s 2.4 hr^-111:55 min:sec0.48
111121-30.888 0.230 s 2.4 hr^-115:20 min:sec0.61
111121-40.931 0.238 s 2.4 hr^-113.53 min:sec0.56
111121-50.943 yes0.210 s 2.4 hr^-19:06 min:sec0.36
111121-60.956 yes0.210 s 2.4 hr^-18:45 min:sec0.35
111121-90.881 yes0.232 s 1.3 hr^-130:36 min:sec0.66
111121-100.902 0.210 s 2.4 hr^-116:42 min:sec0.67
uncertainty:0.010 ? 0.001 s 10%1 s10%

alldata.txt -- data for Figs. 3(inset) and 6(b). Columns are (phi, phi-phi_c, gamma dot, delta sigma, std dev). Units of gamma dot are inverse hours. Units of delta sigma are microN/m. delta sigma is what is plotted in the inset to Fig. 3. std dev is the data plotted in Fig. 6(b).
Fig 3: Data for stress drops, used to make the probability distribution functions shown in Fig. 3. Each file is list of the stress drops, in units of microN/m. The number associated with each file ("088") is the area fraction (phi=0.88).
  • deltasig088.txt (experiment 111121-9)
  • deltasig091.txt (experiment 111121-2)
  • deltasig093.txt (experiment 111012-4)
  • deltasig094.txt (experiment 111121-5)
  • deltasig096.txt (experiment 111121-6)
  • taunorm089.txt -- individual droplet shear stresses (black triangle symbols in main plot). (experiment 111121-1)
  • taunorm093.txt -- same, but for phi=0.93 (experiment 111121-4). Data not in plot, we're putting on this web page for those who might want to see it. It's quite similar to the black triangles data.

  • Data for inset are in the file "alldata.txt" provided above.
Fig. 6a: Mean displacement field around a T1 event. Data used in Fig. 6a. Format: (x,y,dx,dy,dr,N). dx,dy are displacement vectors, normalized as described in the text. dr = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2). N = proportional to the number of data points falling into that (x,y) bin. The first two columns are in units of "mean droplet diameter." The displacements have been normalized by the mean displacements of the four droplets undergoing the T1 events.