

A Bayesian Inference Approach to Accurately Fitting the Glass Transition Temperature in Thin Polymer Films
James H. Merrill, Yixuan Han, and Connie B. Roth,
Macromolecules2024, 57, 11055–11074.   DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.4c01867
Link to GitHub repository for PyTg code

Forming denser glasses on soft substrates
Connie B. Roth,
Nature Materials2024, 23, 587–588.   DOI: 10.1038/s41563-024-01881-5

Comparing the Impact of Different Adsorbed Layers on the Local Glass Transition of Polymer Matrices Michael F. Thees, James. H. Merrill, Xinru Huang, and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2024, 160, 044908.   DOI: 10.1063/5.0182541

Development of broad modulus profile upon polymer–polymer interface formation between immiscible glassy–rubbery domains
Yannic J. Gagnon, Justin C. Burton, and Connie B. Roth,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2024, 121, e2312533120.   DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2312533120
Link to short Kudos description of this paper.


End-Tethered Chains Increase the Local Glass Transition Temperature of Matrix Chains by 45 K Next to Solid Substrates Independent of Chain Length
James H. Merrill, Ruoyu Li, and Connie B. Roth, ACS Macro Letters2023, 12, 1-7


Temperature Dependent Perylene Fluorescence as a Probe of Local Polymer Glass Transition Dynamics
Yixuan Han and Connie B. Roth,
Soft Matter2022, 18, 6094-6104.

Physically Intuitive Continuum Mechanics Model for QCM:   Viscoelasticity of Rubbery Polymers at MHz Frequencies
Yannic J. Gagnon, Justin C. Burton, and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Polymer Science2022, 60, 244-257.

Book chapter:   Polymer Glasses
Connie B. Roth,
Chapter in Macromolecular Engineering: From Precise Synthesis to Macroscopic Materials and Applications, 2nd edition, edited by Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Yves Gnanou, Nikos Hadjichristidis, Murugappan Muthukumar (Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2022).


Gradient in Refractive Index Reveals Denser Near Free Surface Region in Thin Polymer Films
Yixuan Han and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2021, 155, 144901.

Polymers Under Nanoconfinement:   Where Are We Now in Understanding Local Property Changes?
Connie B. Roth,
Chemical Society Reviews2021, 50, 8050-8066.


Local Glass Transition Temperature Tg(z) Within Polystyrene Is Strongly Impacted by the Modulus of the Neighboring PDMS Domain
Yannic J. Gagnon and Connie B. Roth,
ACS Macro Letters2020, 9, 1625-1631.

Comparing Refractive Index and Density Changes with Decreasing Film Thickness in Thin Supported Films Across Different Polymers
Yixuan Han, Xinru Huang, Alan C. W. Rohrbach, and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2020, 153, 044902.

Experimental Study of Substrate Roughness on the Local Glass Transition of Polystyrene
Xinru Huang, Michael F. Thees, William B. Size, and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2020, 152, 244901.

Review and Reproducibility of Forming Adsorbed Layers From Solvent Washing of Melt Annealed Films
Michael F. Thees, Jennifer A. McGuire, and Connie B. Roth,
Soft Matter2020, 16, 5366-5387.


Unexpected Molecular Weight Dependence to the Physical Aging of Thin Polystyrene Films Present at Ultra-High Molecular Weights
Michael F. Thees and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2019, 57, 1224-1238.

Jumping In and Out of the Phase Diagram Using Electric Fields: Time Scale for Remixing of Polystyrene/Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blends
Annika Kriisa and Connie B. Roth,
ACS Macro Letters2019, 8, 188-192.


Optimizing the Grafting Density of Tethered Chains to Alter the Local Glass Transition Temperature of Polystyrene near Silica Substrates:   The Advantage of Mushrooms over Brushes
Xinru Huang and Connie B. Roth,
ACS Macro Letters2018, 7, 269-274.

Local Glass Transition Temperature Tg(z) Profile in Polystyrene next to Polybutadiene With and Without Plasticization Effects
Benjamin L. Kasavan, Roman R. Baglay, and Connie B. Roth,
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics2018, 219, 1700328.


Aging Near Rough and Smooth Boundaries in Colloidal Glasses
Cong Cao, Xinru Huang, Connie B. Roth, and Eric R. Weeks,
Journal of Chemical Physics2017, 147, 224505. ( Highlighted as AIP Scilight )

Experimental Study of the Influence of Periodic Boundary Conditions:   Effects of Finite Size and Faster Cooling Rates on Dissimilar Polymer-Polymer Interfaces
Roman R. Baglay and Connie B. Roth,
ACS Macro Letters2017, 6, 887-891.

Local Glass Transition Temperature Tg(z) of Polystyrene Next to Different Polymers:   Hard vs. Soft Confinement
Roman R. Baglay and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2017, 146, 203307. ( Highlighted as AIP Scilight )


Book chapter:   Correlating Glass Transition and Physical Aging in Thin Polymer Films
Connie B. Roth, Justin E. Pye, and Roman R. Baglay,
Chapter 5 in Polymer Glasses, edited by Connie B. Roth (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, December 2016), p. 181-203.

Book chapter:   Fundamentals of Polymers and Glasses
C.B. Roth and R.R. Baglay,
Chapter 1 in Polymer Glasses, edited by Connie B. Roth (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, December 2016), p. 3-22.

Changes in the Temperature-Dependent Specific Volume of Supported Polystyrene Films with Film Thickness
Xinru Huang and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2016, 144, 234903. (Highlighted as an Editor’s Pick)


Communication:   Experimentally Determined Profile of Local Glass Transition Temperature Across a Glassy-Rubbery Polymer Interface with a Tg Difference of 80 K
Roman R. Baglay and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2015, 143, 111101.

Above, Below, and In-Between the Two Glass Transitions of Ultrathin Free-Standing Polystyrene Films:   Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Physical Aging
Justin E. Pye and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2015, 53, 64-75.

Role of neighboring domains in determining the magnitude and direction of Tg-confinement effects in binary, immiscible polymer systems
Christopher M. Evans, Soyoung Kim, Connie B. Roth, Rodney D. Priestley, Linda J. Broadbelt, John M. Torkelson,
Polymer2015, 80, 180-187.


Electric Fields Enhance Miscibility of Polystyrene / Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blends
Annika Kriisa and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Chemical Physics2014, 141, 134908.

Stability of Polymer Glasses Vitrified Under Stress
Laura A. G. Gray and Connie B. Roth,
Soft Matter2014, 10, 1572-1578.


Effect of Adjacent Rubbery Layers on the Physical Aging of Glassy Polymers
Phillip M. Rauscher, Justin E. Pye, Roman R. Baglay, and Connie B. Roth,
Macromolecules2013, 46, 9806-9817.

Physical Aging of Polymer Films Quenched and Measured Free-Standing via Ellipsometry:   Controlling Stress Imparted by Thermal Expansion Mismatch between Film and Support
Justin E. Pye and Connie B. Roth,
Macromolecules2013, 46, 9455-9463.


Importance of Quench Conditions on the Subsequent Physical Aging Rate of Glassy Polymer Films
Laura A. G. Gray, Suk W. Yoon, William A. Pahner, James E. Davidheiser, and Connie B. Roth, Macromolecules2012, 45, 1701-1709.

Characterization of Phase Separation of Polystyrene / Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blends Using Fluorescence
Annika Kriisa, Sung S. Park, and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2012, 50, 250-256.


Two Simultaneous Mechanisms Causing Glass Transition Temperature Reductions in High Molecular Weight Free-Standing Polymer Films as Measured by Transmission Ellipsometry
Justin E. Pye and Connie B. Roth,
Physical Review Letters2011, 107, 235701.


Mobility and Stability of Glasses
Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2010, 48, 2558-2560.

Physical Aging in Ultrathin Polystyrene Films:   Evidence of a Gradient in Dynamics at the Free Surface and Its Connection to the Glass Transition Temperature Reductions
Justin E. Pye, Kate A. Rohald, Elizabeth A. Baker, and Connie B. Roth,
Macromolecules2010, 43, 8296-8303.

Suppression of the Tg-Nanoconfinement Effect in Thin Poly(vinyl acetate) Films by Sorbed Water
Soyoung Kim, Manish K. Mundra, Connie B. Roth, and John M. Torkelson,
Macromolecules2010, 43, 5158-5161.


Streamlined Ellipsometry Procedure for Characterizing Physical Aging Rates of Thin Polymer Films
Elizabeth A. Baker, Perla Rittigstein, John M. Torkelson, and Connie B. Roth,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2009, 47, 2509-2519.

Confinement Effects on Glass Transition Temperature, Transition Breadth, and Expansivity:   Comparison of Ellipsometry and Fluorescence Measurements on Polystyrene Films
Soyoung Kim, Sheldon A. Hewlett, Connie B. Roth, and John M. Torkelson,
European Physical Journal E2009, 30, 83-92.


Critical Micelle Concentrations of Block and Gradient Copolymers in Homopolymer:   Effects of Sequence Distribution, Composition and Molecular Weight
Robert W. Sandoval, Daniel E. Williams, Jungki Kim, Connie B. Roth, and John M. Torkelson,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2008, 46, 2672-2682.

Effect of Nanoscale Confinement on the Glass Transition Temperature of Free-Standing Polymer Films:   Novel, Self-Referencing Fluorescence Method
Soyoung Kim, Connie B. Roth, and John M. Torkelson,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2008, 46, 2754-2764.


Comparison of Critical Micelle Concentrations of Gradient Copolymer and Block Copolymer in Homopolymer:   Novel Characterization by Intrinsic Fluorescence
Christopher L. H. Wong, Jungki Kim, Connie B. Roth, and John M. Torkelson,
Macromolecules2007, 40, 5631-5633.

Selectively Probing the Glass Transition Temperature in Multilayer Polymer Films:   Equivalence of Block Copolymers and Multilayer Films of Different Homopolymers
Connie B. Roth and John M. Torkelson,
Macromolecules2007, 40, 3328-3336.

Eliminating the Enhanced Mobility at the Free Surface of Polystyrene:   Fluorescence Studies of the Glass Transition Temperature in Thin Bilayer Films of Immiscible Polymers
Connie B. Roth, Katie L. McNerny, Wolter F. Jager, and John M. Torkelson,
Macromolecules2007, 40, 2568-2574.


Hole growth as a micro-rheological probe to measure the viscosity of polymers confined to thin films
Connie B. Roth and John R. Dutcher,
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2006, 44, 3011-3021.

Molecular weight dependence of the glass transition temperature of freely-standing poly(methyl methacrylate) films
Connie B. Roth, Adam Pound, Stephen W. Kamp, Christopher A. Murray, and John R. Dutcher,
European Physical Journal E2006, 20, 441-448.


Evidence of convective constraint release during hole growth in freely standing polystyrene films at low temperatures
Connie B. Roth, B. Deh, Bernie G. Nickel, and John R. Dutcher, Physical Review E2005, 72, 021802.

Hole growth in freely-standing polystyrene films probed using a differential pressure experiment
Connie B. Roth and John R. Dutcher,
Physical Review E2005, 72, 021803.

Glass transition and chain mobility in thin polymer films
Connie B. Roth and John R. Dutcher,
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry2005, 584, 13-22.

Mobility on Different Length Scales in Thin Polymer Films
Connie B. Roth and John R. Dutcher,
Chapter in Soft Materials: Structure and Dynamics, edited by John R. Dutcher and Alejandro G. Marangoni (Marcel Dekker, N.Y., Chap. 1, pp. 1-38, 2005).


Glass Transition Temperature of Freely-Standing Films of Atactic Poly(methyl methacrylate)
Connie B. Roth and John R. Dutcher,
European Physical Journal E)2003, 12, S103-S107.

Differential Pressure Experiment to Probe Hole Growth in Freely-Standing Polymer Films
Connie B. Roth, Bernie G. Nickel, John R. Dutcher, and Kari Dalnoki-Veress,
Review of Scientific Instruments2003, 74, 2796-2804.


Instabilities in Thin Polymer Films:   From Pattern Formation to Rupture
John R. Dutcher, Kari Dalnoki-Veress, Bernie G. Nickel, and Connie B. Roth,
Macromolecular Symposia2000, 159, 143-150.


Hole Formation and Growth in Freely-Standing Polystyrene Films
Kari Dalnoki-Veress, Bernie G. Nickel, Connie Roth, and John R. Dutcher,
Physical Review E1999, 59, 2153-2156.