Connie Barbara Roth is a Professor in the Department of Physics at Emory University.  Connie received her B.Sc. in Physics at McMaster University (Ontario, Canada), and her Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Physics at the University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada) studying polymers.  She also completed postdoctoral positions at Simon Fraser University (British-Columbia, Canada) and Northwestern University (Chicago, IL).  Connie has been a faculty member at Emory University since 2007, receiving tenure in 2013, and promoted to full professor in 2021.  She served as the Director of Graduate Studies for Physics from 2014-2017, and is currently serving as Chair of the Physics department since 2024.  In 2016, she published an edited book on Polymer Glasses (CRC Press).

Connie’s research falls under the area of Experimental Soft Matter Physics.  Her research interests include polymer materials, glass transition, physical aging, photophysics, miscibility and phase separation; with particular interest on surface and interfacial effects observed at the nanoscale in thin films, nanostructured blends and nanocomposite materials, as well as other perturbations such as external stresses and electric fields.  Connie’s interest in polymers started early while an undergraduate student working several summers at Xerox Research Center of Canada (XRCC).

Honors and Awards

2022   NSF Special Creativity Award
2020   Program Chair, Division of Polymer Physics (DPOLY), APS March meeting
2019   Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS)
2019   Fellows Award, North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS)
2019–   Member of Advisory Board, Soft Matter
2016   Identified as a “top reviewer” for the Journal of Chemical Physics
2015–   Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Polymer Science
2012   National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award
2009   DPOLY/UKPPG Polymer Lecture Exchange, American Physical Society (APS)
2009   American Chemical Society PRF Doctoral New Investigator
2002   Ontario Graduate Scholar in Science & Technology (OGSST)
1997–2001   Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Graduate Scholar of Canada
1996   J.L.W. Gill Prize, McMaster University
1995   NSERC Undergraduate Award in Industry, Xerox Research Centre of Canada
1995   Gerald and Verna Simpson Memorial Scholarship, McMaster University
1994–1995   Dr. Harry Lyman Hooker Scholarship, McMaster University