Welcome to Emory Biophotonics Lab homepage.
The broad aim of our research program is to apply ultrasensitive fluorescence measurements to investigate the structure, dynamics, and interactions of biological molecules.  Our lab is particularly interested in
  • Applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in biophysics
  • Application of high sensitivity fluorescence measurements in cellular biophysics. 
  • Investigation of the role of dynamic processes in biological function, and development and application of novel methods to quantify specific protein-protein interactions in living cells. 
We are currently applying two-photon imaging, FCS, and FRET to investigate nuclear localization signal (NLS) mediated protein trafficking into the nucleus.
Contact Information
Dr. Keith Berland
Principal Investigator
Emory University
Department of Physics
400 Dowman Drive, Suite N202
Atlanta GA 30322-2430
Office : N224 Math & Science Center
Phone: (404) 712-9061
Fax : (404) 727-0873
e-mail: kberland@physics.emory.edu


Copyright© 2006 Emory Biophotonics Laboratory. Last Updated 2006.03.10